29 June 2013

Yes, President Mohamed Morsi is Jewish

This is OK'ed for publication now, though it is with a heavy heart that I am doing it. The brilliant career of one of our best field agents is coming to an end, after 62 years of nurturing, training and managing our man in Cairo. Besides, he was outed as our agent by young Assad anyway and the counter-intelligence in Egypt is getting too close for comfort. And only his unshakable determination to end his days as a martyr for the Elders' cause and his absolute refusal to be extracted gave way to this public revelation, so alien to the traditions of our ancient establishment.

But let's proceed in an orderly way. Everything you will read in Wiki about this illustrious man is a total misdirection, of course (long live Wiki). That is, aside of his birthday, 8 August 1951. This is the day when a baby boy Moshe was born in Alexandria (Egypt) to a family of a Jewish lawyer. The times were already difficult for the Jews of Egypt at the time, but, being a firstborn, little Moshe was a ray of sun in the grueling existence of the young family. The father was fired from his government job in 1948, for a reason that may seem unfair today, but at the time the declaration of independence by Israel was a good enough pretext for Egyptian authorities to fire the Jewish lawyer. He barely succeeded to eke a meager existence for himself and his wife, chasing ambulances, writing wills and assisting Western tourists in trouble with local constabulary and customs.

And in 1956 even this hardy existence came to an abrupt end, when in the aftermath of the Suez Crisis 1,000 Jews were arrested and 500 Jewish businesses were seized by the government. The final exodus of the remaining Egyptian Jews has started. To exacerbate the tragedy of the Prosor family, a week before these events took place, they have sent their son, little Moshe, to their relatives in the country, unaware of the dangers coming. When the people of Aliyah Bet came in the early hours of the night to spirit them away for a clandestine trip to Israel, they had to apply force to get the family from their house. The Aliyah Bet people promised to take care of Moshe later, and so they did. In a fashion.

Their relatives flatly refused to be evacuated, and as the last ditch measure, five years old Moshe was given for adoption to a poor Egyptian fellahin, one Mr Morsi, whose wife was barren for several years and who pined for a son. The boy was renamed Mohamed and quickly forgot his roots under the influence of his pious adoptive parents. But of course, the boy's fate wasn't forgotten, at least not by our people. Mohamed Morsi recalls being taken to school on the back of a donkey by his father, but even this donkey was purchased using a contribution from an anonymous source (read Mossad). And when the young Mohamed suddenly (of course...) won a scholarship to the University of Southern California, he became easily accessible to his handlers, who used his prolonged stay in US to reveal to him his real roots. Then it became very easy to indoctrinate the impressionable youth in the Zionist dogma and to proceed with development of his future career as a field agent.

Muslim Brotherhood was already considered a rising star by the Israeli intelligence analysts, and the decision to insert Mohamed into its core paid off handsomely in the long range. His meteoric career through the ranks of MB is a matter of public record, but of course he was just doing the bidding of his mentors in Jerusalem.

As for his original and adoptive families, there were some interesting developments too. His adoptive mother, as it sometimes happens after an adoption, didn't remain barren and made her hubby (well to do now, thanks to the donations from the same anonymous patron) happy, delivering four baby boys. And, of course unknown to Moshe/Mohamed, his biological mother was already pregnant while leaving for Israel and the baby boy was born in 1956, to be named Ron, in memory of his elder brother.

So, for the first time, here is a side to side comparison of the current president of Egypt, Mohamed Morsi and his biological brother, Israel's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ron Prosor:

If you disregard the wig (granted, of a very high quality) used by Mohamed/Moshe, the resemblance is unmistakable and remarkable, you have to agree. This resemblance also explains why the two took the utmost care never to be seen together at various UN events.

The career of Moshe Prosor aka Mohamed Morsi, the Israeli super-agent in Egypt, has to remain mostly secret for quite a few years to come, for obvious reasons. Only two items were allowed to be aired here by the censor. The first is the decisive role he played in the famous Operation Rooster 53. The aim of the operation was to steal from Egyptian army a Soviet P-12 radar system, considered then to be the best of the kind. Yes, the Nahal Brigade's 50th battalion, the elite paratrooper reconnaissance unit Sayeret Tzanchanim, and the Israeli Air Force have done their part. But without inside assistance, the radar antenna, a massive construction anchored to its concrete foundations, couldn't have been lifted as quickly and easily as it was, during a few fateful minutes. The young daredevil Moshe/Mohamed, under the guise of a local tribesman bringing fresh goat meat to the radar team, every night during the month preceding the operation filed away a few millimeters of the steel pylons supporting the antenna. Thus ensuring the phenomenal success of Rooster 53.

The other feat of our agent was less spectacular and, unfortunately, didn't prevent the Yom Kippur war. However, detailed information provided by Moshe/Mohaned played a decisive role in the eventual isolation and entrapment of the Egyptian Third Army. An especially created medal of honor and a photograph of Ariel Sharon with his personal inscription and a letter of commendation are being kept with his other secret awards in the Mossad safe, never to be shown to a living person.

Unfortunately, his many other outstanding intelligence feats that easily overshadow the two we are allowed to talk about, must remain secret. And the world wouldn't know anytime too soon where exactly did young Moshe/Mohamed and his team of agents place the (heavily booby-trapped) radio-controlled nuclear devices, how the price of premium Egyptian cotton is manipulated and other breath-taking field intelligence exploits.

His public record as a politician and a president is another matter, however.

This and other, carefully prepared in Jerusalem, revolting speeches are designed to show his Muslim Brotherhood brethren for what they really are: a bunch of barbarous baboons. And that "Apes and Pigs" interlude could never hurt, no matter how frequently it is repeated.

All this, however, is in the glorious past. Today is a bad day for the Elders. Losing a field agent is never easy, and losing a super-agent of this quality is a real tragedy. But we shall persevere and prevail, and our young new talents will replace (are already replacing, as we speak) their (still falling) comrade in arms. Glory be to you, Moshe/Mohamed, PBUY.

Update: and now in French, with more visual proof.